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Dienstag, 9. September 2014

An Important Information For All My Friends Around The World, Most Important For The Activists In Lyon, Tours And Paris!! Anti-Capitalist Militant Raped By Fascist; Protests September 12 Es wäre schön wenn es Aktivisten aus Elsaass-Lothringen und dem Saarland zur Unterstützung dort gäbe, aber auch über die Teilnahme Deutscher Aktivisten wäre man froh.

“Against fascist and sexist crimes, strong in solidarity, feminists and anti-fascists”
*Victim’s name has been changed to Lucie to protect her identity.
Lucie, an anti-capitalist militant, was raped by a fascist on August 9, 2013. She was raped as punishment for her activism against fascism, and against the crimes of capitalists. The fascist called her, “Leftist bitch, antifascist whore” as he raped her. She refused to press charges, below she explains why. After her statement, we’ve translated the position of L’OCFR, Red Future.
Friday, September 12, the Revolutionary Action Committee (Comité d’Action Révolutionnaire) will organize protests in Tours (at 18:30, place Jean Jaurès), Lyon and Paris. We will update this blog with protest information. 
Lucie’s statement: ACAB
“When I hear ‘police’, it makes me sick, and when I see the reaction to it, it makes me bitter. Why? Because for me, the thugs of Capital, it is them who are my enemies every day, it is they who bludgeon us, kick us, stop us, hit us, arrest us and when sometimes we are angry they kill us too.
The police are not and never will be my ally. I will never stop hating. The bourgeoisie gives them the power to indulge their barbaric impulses.
• Thursday, August 21, 2014, police drag a 51 years old Algerian to evict him and he dies of “asphyxiation”, according to prosecutors … who, a priori, considered his death accidental.  
• 21 April 2014, the activists of CREA (Campagne de Réquisition, d’Entraide et d’Autogestion; Campaign of Requisition, Mutual Aid and Self-management) of Tolosa are repressed during the opening of two houses in the neighborhood of Roseraie. When 100 cops surrounded them all of a sudden, they decided to leave on their own to avoid being arrested. It did not matter. Police attacked them with batons, tear gas, stun grenades… An activist of was hit by a rubber bullet in the face, more than half of his facial bones exploded. Four people were arrested and later released. 
• On October 31, 2013, a couple was arrested after their emotional reaction, triggered by the verdict of the tribunal Cergy, was violently repressed by police. This couple is a victim of the police and ISMAHENE and they were threatened with rape by the police. Still this couple is charged now with contempt. 
• February 6, 2013, in Strasbourg a worker from Arcelor Mittal trying to protest lost an eye after police fired rubber bullets at him.
• December 31, 2011, the police Clermont attacked WISSAM EL-YAMNI, who fell into a coma and later died. No justice has been done to his family.

• In 2010, the Swiss police shoot their machine gun UMUT at a young Kurd man for stealing a car; covered up for the assassins and reppressessed his twin brother, and one of his friends.

• May 9, 2008 in Grasse, ABDELHAKIM AJIMI dies while being interrogated by police. Even though two cops were sentenced to 18 and 24 months in prison, they are still on their jobs. 
• That same month, JOSEPH GUERDENER is executed when a cop fired three bullets in his back, as he tried to escape from the police station Draguignan. The Court of Draguignan ruled the victim had committed “an act prescribed or authorized by law or regulations.” Important detail: Joseph was Roma. 
Cops are a danger for sex workers, they take advantage of their precarious situation and turn them into their victims, knowing fully well how difficult it will be for them and to call cops in front of a judge.

As a victim, I could say that to complain is a good choice. After all, justice is supposed to work without discrimination. But the reality is quite different. 
Here’s why: a fascist activist, Clarmont, gets two years in prison for shooting at militants in flagrante delicto to avoid investigation. Contrast this with the fact that authorities have refused to release a basque militant, BON IRRADI, who suffering from multiple severe plaque sclerosis, against the advice of doctors; he was sentenced for trying to defend the independence of his country and he is languishing in prison with Georges Abdallah. I also think of ZEHRA KURTAY, an activist and Turkish journalist who was released by Turkey for medical treatment following his hunger strike and who was again imprisoned in France for a year and a half. IBAI PENA, antifascist activist who escaped together with his comrades the torture and imprisonment in the Southern Basque Country was extradited by the Foreign Ministry of the French state and was thrown in jail for five long years. On September 14, Enguerrand is to celebrate his birthday while still in jail.

Prisoners who die or are tortured in prison because they rise up against the French, imperialist and racist state, on one side. On the other, the fascist activists and cops who get off with little or no effort because they serve the Capital. I don’t belong to the good side to be defended by the bourgeois justice.

Bourgeois justice, and the French state are our enemies, and we must fight them. The Justice, which does not deserve to be called such, has decided to set free Esteban Morillo, the criminal who murdered Clement Meric. It’s not only injustice, it is also a clear statement that justice is on the side of the fascists and murderers. This decision was a hand extended by the justice to the support of Esteban, who got a licence to commit more violence against anti-fascists militants with impunity. While we, antifascist activists, we are always under surveillance and clubbed.

Rape is a crime punishable by the penal law. But, in reality, there are 150,000 rapes each year, and 198,000 attempted rapes per year. A woman is raped every seven minutes. Yet of all victims only one in 11 presses charges. There were 1,356 convictions for rape in 2010 from 150,000 rapes.

We see what happened when a Canadian was raped by police at a meeting on 36 quai des OrfèvresThe cops do what they want, and their uniforms protect them. Should we leave this to be dealt with by the executioners in uniform? I will not. We must show fascist cops that we fight them and show them what we are. Solidarity is dangerous and hazardous.

So to police brutality, to their racist and colonial policy for harassment and violence endured by the victims of rape and sexual assault during the legal process, to all of this I’m saying “NO.”

No, I will not press charges. 
No, I will not ask for the help of cops. 
No, I don’t look for recognition of my status of victim by the bourgeois justice. 
No, I would not go through violent procedure. 
No, I do not want any of that.

If you ask me to comply, you will de-politicize the crime I suffered. You force me to reduce it to an exclusive relationship between and criminal and myself. The entire society is concerned because I have suffered. I suffered because I defend my antifascist, and communist ideas. I suffered because I reject capitalism, I refuse to see my streets overrun by fascists, because I stand in solidarity with the workers of the world, and the militant fighters for freedom.

I refuse to repeat the atrocities I’ve been through in front judges, attorneys, the lawyers, and all bourgeois and gender-based clan that will try to find the spot that can blur the suffering and press it. I refuse to talk to people who will try to see if I was able to experience pleasure during the rape. Because no, I did not at any time experienced the pleasure, I just reached the pinnacle of horror. I felt dirty and abused. I refuse to answer questions about it, I refuse to hear assumptions about that. I also refuse to give details of where, what time, with whom, and why I was there and at that time. This changes nothing, he committed this attack because he wanted to, it was not by chance.

What I need is the strength of the collective, I need to see mobilizations and support. I will not allow fascist repression bring me down, I will stay a communist militant and an anti-fascist. This does nothing to hamper my actions and my determination to keep fighting.

So, yes, ACAB (All Cops Are Bastards) and solidarity and support to all the victims of police violence. 

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